Night Night Evan
Evan thinks it's so funny when he sticks his tongue out
Evan loves his toy remote control
Getting ready for a ride in the storage container - our "redneck" wagon
Evan after his 2nd haircut - he looks like such a big boy!
Our adventures in parenthood and wherever life may take us...
Posing with McKenzie (the bunny) and Carter (Nemo)
Get this hat off - NOW!
Happy to be at YiaYia and Papou's house
Evan had a play date with his friends Benjamin and McKenzie. We went to the park, and they shared their toys on a blanket and went on the swings. I can't believe how much they've all grown in such a short period of time. A few weeks ago we went to Butler's Homecoming game. Evan met many of my college friends for the first time, and he enjoyed strolling around the beautiful campus. He even met Butler's mascot, Blue, a bulldog.
Crazy hair after sleeping the whole ride home from Effingham
Evan with his cousin Madison
Trying to crawl over mommy's leg