Luke Alexander was born on Tuesday, September 14 at 10:00 am. He was 7 lbs, 4 oz and 20.5 inches long.
I woke up around 4:00 that morning with 1 contraction and just didn't feel well, but didn't think this was "it". Around 5:30 or 6 I started having contractions 10 minutes apart, but they were very mild. I told Rick not to leave for work yet just in case. A little after 7:00 my water broke and the contractions immediately became intense and were coming 1-2 minutes apart. Rick called my dad so he could watch Evan and we headed for the hospital. When I arrived at the hospital I was 3 cm dilated, and within an hour I was already at 8 cm. The nurses had a hard time getting my IV started, which is necessary to have before the epidural. Finally, they had the good drugs flowing through my system. I literally laid back down, pushed through the next contraction, and our beautiful dark haired boy entered the world at 10:00 am. It was a little scary how fast he came, but looking back I can't complain!
Evan met Luke that night at the hospital, and he was very interested to meet his baby. He's been very sweet with him since the moment they met. It doesn't hurt, either, that Luke gave his big brother a talking Buzz Lightyear toy!
Fam in Florida Trip - Day 1
2 years ago
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